Friday 3 January 2014

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My artists represent:

.Everyday People- the clothes they are wearing do not suggest any designer brands or anything extravagant which helps the audience to relate to the artists.
.Indie- The setting of the photographs suggests something different and individual bands as they are outside and not in a studio.
.Teens- Early Twenties- from their age and the types of clothes they are wearing and the positions they are sat in- you do not normally see adults sitting on the floor. 
.Musicians- they are featured with a guitar which shows that they make their own music.
.Retro- they are featured with a 'Lambretta' in the background showing that they are a bit retro and like older things.

This is the same social group as my audience as I believe making the artists the same as the readers make the artists more relatable and therefore sell-able as more people would like to listen to their music and read about them.

This representation is quite similar to real music magazines such as 'Kerrang!' or 'Q' as most of their issues feature artists in ordinary looking clothes and are in the age range of 20-30 (see right) however my music magazine brings something different to the music magazine world as I am showing the bands instruments- this is because they are a new band and I want readers to know as much as possible about them to get them interested. I also show the retro theme which is not usually seen in music magazines for younger audiences which I think will make my magazine new and refreshing for younger cultures and make them interested in the contents of the magazine.


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