Tuesday 7 January 2014

Who would be the audience for your media product and how did you attract/address this audience?

My target audience for my music magazine is:
.17-25 years old
.Like indie/alternative music

This is much like my target audience at the beginning of my planning however I have changed the gender to female instead of mixed as I believe my house style colours of light blue and pale pink would appeal more to females than males.

I appeal to my target audience through a lot of aspects of my magazine:

. The house style colours- as I have already said the colours are a light blue and pink which would appeal more to females. It also appeals to my age range as I have not used really bright colours to appeal to really young people (11-15) but toned down pale colours to show the magazine is the next step up from teen music magazines showing the reader you will be getting the best music from the magazine.
.The competition/giveaways advertised on the front cover willl entice my target audience because they would want to be in an issue of the magazine.
 . The images used- As I have said from my earlier post, the artists shown in my images portray a younger generation, an indie style and a musical interest.
.The mode of address- I use a lot of exclamation marks to excite the younger readers.
. The Masthead- As the masthead features a mix tape it appeals to people who like the retro style.

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